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The Boxing Lesson Strikes Again!

The Boxing Lesson offers us a taste of their past by sharing this gem with us!

"For fans of Lo-Fi recordings this will most def leave you with a warm feeling in yer tummy... "

FUR STATE - words by Paul Waclawsky

Fur State is a 4-track acoustic/electronic instrumental album that Jaylinn Davidson and I recorded in 2004. After all my music gear and possessions were tragically stolen from my Los Angeles apartment, I talked Jaylinn into moving to Austin to make a new album under the name, The Boxing Lesson. We quickly found ourselves in Austin, living on Enfield Rd., in an apartment with high ceilings but very few furnishings. We recorded this album with Jaylinn's mom's acoustic guitar, a couple of drum machines that kind of worked, a 4-track, a MS2000, a Roland sampler that used zip disks (gasp!), my cherished Mutron Bi-phase, and this heavy Crumar Trilogy we found at the pawn shop. Armed with what we could afford, we then set out to make this album and thought of little else.

We recorded 8 songs and called it "Fur State", one of Jaylinn's great many plays on words. My final performance mix to cassette master was dated 12/8/04. As capricious as we are, we then went about our lives and never released the tape. I miraculously got most of my gear back in the new year with the help of the LAPD, after finding my amp for sale on eBay (imagine that!). We found more synths, a drummer and we wrote lots and lots of songs. We made new friends and made new albums. We toured, played, listened, lost, worked, found, recorded, reinvented ourselves and recorded and reinvented ourselves again and yet somehow have come back full circle to this cassette tape recorded almost 6 years ago.

We found the master cassette sitting where we left it: in an old boombox at the back of a storage closet. We are ecstatic to finally send forth this little private creation of ours out into the big scary public world. This album has this "vibe" that excites and haunts us. It feels timeless to us, like we could have recorded it today or maybe even 6 years from now. We hope it affects you in the same dreamy way.

From our 4-track to your stereo...

Endless Possibilities,
Paul Waclawsky


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